Benoît Bréholée




Interconnexion de simulations HLA

Benoît Bréholée
Mémoire de thèse de doctorat.
8 mars 2005, Toulouse.
PDF (720 Ko)

Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de HLA, une architecture de simulation distribuée dont l’objectif est de permettre l’interopérabilité et la réutilisation d’applications de simulation. L’ONERA a développé une plate-forme de simulation distribuée compatible HLA (appelée CERTI). L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étendre le travail entrepris sur CERTI en se basant sur l’introduction de la notion classique de domaine.

Nous étudions différentes techniques impliquant cette notion et dont les objectifs concernent l’interopérabilité, la sécurité, la réutilisation ainsi que l’amélioration des performances.

Notre contribution tient d’une part dans la réalisation de simulateurs-ponts permettant l’interconnexion de plusieurs simulations et d’autre part dans le développement de services de CERTI destinés à optimiser les échanges de données entre domaines.

Mots-clés: Simulation distribuée, HLA, RTI, interopérabilité, réutilisation, extensibilité, interfédérations, fédérés-ponts, domaines.

Formal Verification and Validation of Interactive Systems Specifications

Yamine Aït-Ameur, Benoît Bréholée, Patrick Girard, Laurent Guittet and Francis Jambon
In Proceedings of the HESSD 2004 (IFIP 13.5 Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development)
22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France.
PDF (362 Kb)

This paper proposes a development process for interactive systems based both on verification and validation methods. Our approach is formal and use at first the B Method. We show in this paper how formal B specifications can be derived from informal requirements in the informal notation UAN. Then, these B specifications are validated using the data oriented specification language EXPRESS. Several scenarios can be tested against these EXPRESS specifications.

Design and Implementation of a HLA Inter-Federation Bridge

Benoît Bréholée and Pierre Siron
In Proceedings of the 2003 Euro Simulation Interoperability Workshop
16-19 June 2003, Stockholm, Sweden.
PDF (59 Kb)

In this paper, we discuss the design and implementation of a HLA inter-federation bridge. Our works are mainly motivated by the scalability and security problems, but we also consider the use of bridges for interoperability purposes. We describe several bridge topologies, including linear and cyclic inter-federations. We discuss problems raised by bridge federates and the use of different RTI implementations. We detail several solutions, leading to the design and implementation of a bridge prototype. Then we present our current results, and on-going works concerning performance improvements, interoperability, and security purposes.

Bridges in HLA Distributed Simulations

Benoît Bréholée and Pierre Siron
In Proceedings of the 2003 International Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC’03)
9-12 June 2003, Valencia, Spain.

CERTI: Evolutions of the ONERA RTI Prototype

Benoît Bréholée and Pierre Siron
In Proceedings of the Fall 2002 Simulation Interoperability Workshop
8-13 September 2002, Orlando, FL, USA.
PDF (54 Kb)

In this paper, we discuss some works carried out at ONERA (Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales) in the distributed simulation field. Particularly, we describe the design and implementation of a RTI called CERTI. These studies started in 1996 and we summarize their present main results: an original architecture of the RTI prototype, security extensions, evolution to the version 1.3 of the HLA specifications and release as free software. Ongoing works concern mainly performance evaluation and prediction, introduction of the domain notion for large-scale simulations and significant applications using this prototype.

Utilisation de modèles de données EXPRESS pour valider des spécifications de programmes exprimées en langage B

Benoît Bréholée
Mémoire de DEA
13 juillet 2000, Université de Poitiers.